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Official IQ Test
The Most Accurate Online IQ Test
Test your intellectual skills!
Find your IQ score now!*– One of the best IQ tests you can find online
– Certificate of completion and Performance report included.
– This test originated from a university project by psychology graduates. As part of our commitment to rigor, we want to inform you of the following: Your score is calculated by comparing your performance to other test-takers. For instance, only 0.1% of test-takers get all the answers right. If you are one of them, this means you performed better intellectually than 99.9% of test-takers. This methodology might give a general idea of your intellectual ability and even a broad estimate of the range where your IQ stands. However, this is not an IQ test with diagnostic value. No online test has diagnostic value. Only in-person tests administered by a professional can accurately assess your IQ. Thus, the material on this site should not be relied upon for making any sort of diagnostic decisions.

Accurate & Reliable IQ Test
The most legitimate and “real” IQ test you can take online. Developed by psychology graduates.

Affordable price
See how you compare for a super affordable price ($22.99).

IQ Test with Certificate
You will receive a certificate of completion and a performance report.

Taken by +50 thousand online test-takers. Are you smarter than them? See how you compare against others.
What is an official IQ Test exactly?
An official IQ test could be defined as an IQ test that is able to produce valid and reliable results that have diagnostic value. That’s what people commonly refer to by “official”. An IQ test that could be regarded as accurate must have an acceptable degree of psychometric validity and reliability. Tests such as the Raven’s, the WAIS (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale), or the Stanford Binet scale, are good examples of “official” IQ tests.
A test is said to have “psychometric validity” if what is being measured correlates with what the test actually intends to measure. Roughly speaking, if a test measures intelligence, it should correlate with how smart test-takers are, and not with, for instance, how high their emotional intelligence or their social skills are.
Last, an IQ test is said to have psychometric reliability if it produces the same results (or very similar ones) after each administration.
This concept is very easy to understand. If we measure the temperature of an object several times and we obtain a different result in each measurement, (let’s assume the real temperature was the same all the time) it will mean that our thermometer is not reliable; it is probably broken. The same applies to IQ tests and other psychometric tools.

Where to take an Official IQ test?
The best place to take an official IQ test are psychology clinics. However, you might also get assessed in any HR firm or HR department willing to test you, in any faculty of psychology (which was also willing to test you) or even at school (provided the psychology office has the necessary knowledge and resources).
However, what most people who want to take a real IQ test do is just go to a psychologist/psychology clinic that is trained in administering these tests. The entire testing process can cost between $300 and $1000.
Another place where you can take an “official” IQ test is the Internet; you can just take an IQ test online. Online IQ tests might give a broad (very broad) estimate/approximation of someone’s IQ and are really good for practice purposes. However, they should not be used with diagnostic purposes or for drawing definitive conclusions. Online IQ tests are offered for informational or recreational purposes and not for being used as a valid assessment tool. No online IQ test can be as accurate as an in-person test administered by a professional.

What are some official IQ tests? List of Real IQ Tests:
According to the criteria of psychometric reliability and validity described above, the best real official IQ tests are :
1. The Brain Assessment Center’s Official IQ Test (It is probably one of the best IQ tests you will find online. However, keep in mind it was developed to be used for recreational purposes only. It should not be used as a diagnostic tool nor to derive definite conclusions).
2. The Raven’s Progressive Matrices (must be taken in person)
3. The WAIS (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale) (must be taken in person)
4. The Official Mensa IQ Test (must be taken in person or online after paying a fee, which ranges from $40 to $100)